Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Turbo" wrappers. Chapter 10. #60. Mercedes 190.

Wow, Mers!

This wrapper invoked natural feeling "Wow, Mers!" when one saw it first time. The car presented on it is the most usual Mercedes 190 or W201. There weren't a lot of Mercedes-Benz cars in SU cities streets, most of them were W123 or even W115 this time. So 190-model looked rather contemporary for the beginning of 1990s.

Cool! I've got real Mercedes on my wrapper

It was the summer vacation when I'd got wrapper #60 first time. I was glad having it because I couldn't know that after about 20 years I would really have this car! Unfortunatedly my Mers had left the worst feeling of all cars I ever had. I made the serious mistake buying the 20 years old car without serious inspection. As the result my Benz had been spending more time in garage than on the road. It was like a curse. I just couldn't finish the repairing process - it was just endless. As the result I should sold the car with great loss of money.

What about the car itself.

The major question for the car "Is it real Mers or not?". The reason is simple - the cars of previous generations - W115 & w123 had brought the worldwide fame for Mercedes as one of the most reliable, comfortable, good engeneered and build car of all times and brands. They were eternal, while w201 and w124 weren't so good. These cars was usual, more like contemporary Opel, Ford, BMW & VW. No more MB extra class existed after appearance of w201 and w124.

Technical data presented on wrapper corresponds to 190E-2.3-16 version. The only correction I should make is 185PS instead of 177PS on wrapper. MB W201 rivals of that time were: Ford Sierra, Opel Ascona, VW Passat, Audi 80/90 and BMW 3 series. The car is in D-class.

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