It's not a secret that a lot of our mind's stuff is coming from the childhood. When I was just 5 I had rather big number of old auto journals (probably dated about end of 70s) named "ZA RULYOM" ("Behing the steering wheel"). And I had been spending a lot of time reading them, specially looking to foreign cars. It's quite hard to describe it in few words, but this had a great influence to all my life.
These days it was one of my most favorite occupation to sit on the floor looking through the journals. And I had been really enjoying doing that. Then my journals was lost...
But I want to return the enjoy. I have been always wanting to get my enjoy back. For more then 20 years I've been collecting the old journals, buying them on old book shops and flea-markets. And only now my dream and my enjoy get back.
ZR.ru published the full archive of "ZA RULYOM" from the early beginning. Now I can enjoy again, on-line.
The picture on the front of the article is in my head for about 25 years. Especially 2 cars "Renault 5 Turbo" and "Jeep Cherokee Chief". These cars inspired me so much that I conserved 'em in my memory for more then 2 decades. Why? It's not so hard to explain... Soviet past + childhood dreams = Powerful mind stamp for all life.
With this picture I'll open unique series in my blog. I shall post all the pictures that will appear in my memories. That's kinda open psychoanalysis. Let's go deep.